Bonded Warehouse
Supply Chain

Everything You Need To Know About A Bonded Warehouse

A bonded warehouse is a storage location where commodities imported into a new market are stored and processed. Customs duties are not levied on goods held in bonded warehouses. Any applicable duties become payable when the items are delivered to their final destination. Bonded warehouses, which the government or private firms can own, can help create inventory and cash flow efficiencies.

boost ecommerce sales

How To Increase Ecommerce Sales In 10 Practical Ways

So you’ve decided that starting a new eCommerce business is a fantastic concept. Alternatively, you may have already established one and are wondering what you should do next to ensure its success. Whatever your circumstances, there are several steps you can take to ensure that your eCommerce store does not become lost in a sea of websites and disappear without a trace.

We have covered 10 ways to help you boost sales of your eCommerce business.

ecommerce fulfilment vs dropshipping

Dropshipping Vs E-Commerce Fulfillment: Which Is Best For Online Seller?

From selling handcrafted jewelry to advertising products on online marketplaces, smaller business owners can reach national and international customers with their goods. As these small businesses take orders, they often rely on fulfillment processes to pick and pack orders before shipping them to customers. Two common fulfillment terms often misunderstood in the e-commerce space are e-commerce fulfillment and dropshipping. Read on to find the key differences between them.


6 Ways To Reduce Transportation Costs In Logistics

Companies that rely on logistics transportation for their operations must examine a few key factors in order to reduce costs. There are numerous factors that contribute to the high expenses of logistics transportation for businesses. A few of them are a lack of preparation, a lack of transparency, and poor decision making in transportation and logistics, which can cause organisations to increase their overall expenses, miss delivery deadlines, result in damaged goods, and eventually lose revenue.
In this article, we will discuss a few crucial factors to consider when aiming to reduce your transportation expenditures.

reduce supply chain cost

Top 10 Ways To Reduce Supply Chain Costs

Getting your supply chain costs under control is one approach to boost your company’s profits. Today, supply chains are incredibly complex and intertwined, which may sound simple in theory but is not the case.
Knowing where to seek significant savings is critical. However, there are various areas across all business sectors where supply chain cost reduction potential exists, and we will discuss each one in detail here.

logitics functions

7 Key Functions Of Logistics Company

Logistics management is the governance of supply chain management functions that assist organizations in planning, managing, and implementing processes for moving and storing goods. The goal is to meet customer demands while still making a profit. To maintain a competitive advantage, one must develop an effective product, price, place, and promotion strategy.
This article discusses the various functions of logistics companies and how they can reach out to their target customers and deliver their products or services to them.

Online Business Ideas

22 Easy Online Business Ideas You Can Start In 2024

There are seemingly endless online business ideas. The internet has made initiating a business simple. A website can reach anyone anywhere in the world. If you target the right people, you’ll be making money in no time. Online businesses also save money, time and reduce waste.
So, if you’re quietly considering starting your own business, here are some of the best small online business ideas that almost anyone can afford. The options are endless, from social media manager to content creator to graphic designer.

supply chain management

Top 9 Supply Chain Management Strategies For Business

Multiple business units, internal supply chain stakeholders, and external vendors are all involved in supply chain management. Supply chain management is only possible when the right people are in place, using the correct data, and following the proper framework.
The risks in these intricate supply networks can’t be eliminated, and doing so is no easy task. In this article, we’ll go over the nine most crucial supply chain management strategies. A strong supply chain management strategy is built on these nine pillars.

Bill of Lading (BOL)

What is Bill Of Lading (BOL) ?

Do you need a refresher on bills of lading if you’re a new exporter? Maybe you’re on the other end of the spectrum, a seasoned pro looking for a reference or training resource.
In international trade, bills of lading are significant. Depending on the rules that are followed, there are various consequences for the multiple parties involved. The nature and purposes of the bill of lading are briefly described in this blog.


LTL Vs FTL : 7 Major Differences Between LTL & FTL

Businesses that want the services of a freight carrier have a variety of options for getting their goods transported. LTL (less than truckload) and FTL (full truckload) shipping are the two main modes of transportation (full truckload). It is critical to comprehend the differences between these two modalities of transportation, so you can choose the most cost-effective and efficient mode of transportation for your company. This article will compare LTL vs FTL shipping and discuss which can be better for your company.

what is ftl
Fulfillment & Distribution

Everything You Need To Know About FTL Shipping

FTL freight shipping is a great option for shippers to save money on transportation when transporting huge amounts of freight. It has short transit periods, minimum freight handling, and pre-determined pick-up and delivery timings. All of this, combined with the fact that it is cost-effective when delivering big quantities of goods, aids shippers in improving transportation efficiency and lowering costs. Read on the full guide on FTL Shipping

LTL shipping

What Is LTL Freight Shipping

You’ve probably heard of terminology like “less-than-truckload” if you work in the logistics or shipping industries. What exactly is LTL freight? Although it is not a new concept, there are numerous advantages to adopting LTL freight delivery for your company. We’ll explore the benefits and best practices for LTL, as well as the meaning and definition of LTL in this in-depth tutorial.

Your End-to-End Supply Chain Partner

Stockarea offers end-to-end supply chain services such as Warehousing, Freight Forwarding, Customs Clearance, and Transportation, acting as your logistics backbone. Let us take care of your complex supply chain so that you can focus on your core business.