Find Distribution and Fulfillment Warehouses in Mundra from India's biggest Warehouse Network. Stockarea provides complete warehousing services in Mundra for distributors, importers and manufacturers across India. Stockarea provides third-party logistics services in Mundra and helps businesses focus on their core activities. Stockarea also provides fulfilment services in Mundra for e-commerce stores to start selling online with zero capital expenditure. Make Stockarea your complete warehousing partner in Mundra and help your business reach the next milestone. Stockarea provides dedicated storage services and on-demand storage services in Mundra, so you don't have to pay extra for unconsumed space.

Warehouse Storage in Mundra for all your Inventory bases. Sourcing the right warehouse to provide Cold Storage, Fulfillment, Last Mile has always been an headache for any enterprise. Let Stockarea manage all your warehousing needs so you can achieve your next milestone.

2 Warehouse for Fulfillment and Storage in Mundra

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100,000 sq ft Warehouse for Ecommerce at Mundra, Gujarat

Mundra | 23 minutes From Mundra Airport

Storage space: 100000 sqft

  • B2C/E-COMM fulfilment.
  • B2B fulfilment and distribution.
  • Short term warehousing
  • Long term warehousing

Located in the Mundra, this warehouse caters to businesses seeking warehousing services in Gujarat. The area houses established companies, private warehouses, and logistics providers. Mundra is a rapidly growing warehouse cluster in Gujarat. The 100,000 square feet facility offers warehousing, B2B fulfillment, and distribution services. Equipped with 4+ dock doors, a reliable drainage system, WiFi connectivity, and insect/rodent protection, it ensures superior warehousing that meets clients' specific warehousing requirements in Mundra region. The warehouse location is approximately 25 minutes from Mundra Airport and Mundra Port, which provides convenient access to transportation networks, making it an ideal hub for distribution and fulfillment operations.

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11500 sq ft 3PL and B2B Fulfillment Warehouse at Mundra for Ecommerce

Mundra | 20 minutes From Mundra Port

Storage space: 11500 sqft

  • B2C/E-COMM fulfilment.
  • B2B fulfilment and distribution.
  • Short term warehousing
  • Long term warehousing

This 11,500 sq ft warehouse in Mundra, Gujarat, is a prime location for B2B fulfillment and e-commerce operations. Situated in the thriving Mundra cluster, it offers a strategic advantage being just 20 minutes away from the Mundra Port, a major gateway for international trade, and only 10 minutes away from the Container Freight Station (CFS) area, streamlining import and export logistics. The warehouse is meticulously equipped with modern amenities to meet the demands of contemporary supply chain needs. It boasts ample storage space, high ceilings, and efficient racking systems to optimize storage capacity. Additionally, state-of-the-art security measures ensure the safety of goods. Its proximity to key transportation hubs makes it an ideal choice for businesses seeking efficient distribution and easy access to global markets. This warehouse is the perfect solution for companies looking to streamline their operations, enhance inventory management, and cater to the growing demands of the B2B and e-commerce sectors.

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City Metrics

111500 sq ft

Space listed in Mundra
